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DJ Mensah clarifies on Sarkodie to perform at the 2024 Olympics in Paris

DJ Mensah clarifies on Sarkodie to perform at the 2024 Olympics in Paris

DJ Mensah clarifies on Sarkodie to perform at the 2024 Olympics in Paris

Ghana’s most decorated rapper, Sarkodie, has been clarified by his personal Disk Jockey DJ Mensah that he (Sarkodie) will indeed mount the stage for the Olympics games.
DJ Mensah outlined Sarkodie’s program outline for the year in an interview he granted on Asaase Radio, where he highlighted that Sarkodie and himself have some Olympics game shows in Paris and some other shows in the United States within the year.
DJ Mensah threw fans of Sarkodie into a state of anticipation following the comment he made on Asaase radio, but he could not go into details of the event Sarkodie is booked to perform at.
“With me and Sarkodie, we have a few shows. We haven’t announced it yet, but we are playing at an Olympics-related event somewhere in August, and there is also an event that we have to attend in the US.

“And I have another show, Ghana Fest in Canada, which is just like Ghana Party in the Park,” DJ Mensah said.
After the renowned DJ made these comments, many people believed that indeed Sarkodie was booked to perform, but in a recent development, DJ Mensah clarified that he was misunderstood by his statement.
“Let me clarify this before I’m misinterpreted: There ‘MIGHT’ be an event in Paris around the same time the Olympics is happening, but it’s NOT during the opening ceremony. This is to provide more clarification on what is circulating.” DJ Mensah made this clarification on his X handle.
As it stands, it is not well known whether Sarkodie will indeed perform at the Olympics in Paris or he will perform in Paris at the time of the Olympics.
The Paris 2024 Olympics will commence on July 26, 2024 and the closing ceremony will be on August 11, 2024.




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