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Abiana- one of the hottest feminine Sensation in the Music Artistry.

Eldah Naa Abiana Dickson,well known in the music industry with her stage name Abiana, is an award winning female vocalist in the genres of Soul life, Hi life and Neo Soul. Abiana is a female singer and songwriter.

She is the first of six children born to Mr. Samuel Dickson and her mum, Esther Mawusi Kotitse of blessed memory.

She obtained her senior high school certificate at St. John’s Grammar Senior High School where. She then continued to the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) where she obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing.

She is currently signed to +233 records. Prior to her joining this record label, she was a backup singer who eventually became a lead singer.

During interviews ,she describes her music as soul life encompassing hi-life,soul music, neo soul because of the different kinds of eclectic music genres contained in her songs.Stating clearly Alicia keys as her role model.

written by Ruth Ama Onumah


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